DASA competence & reference model : Using the best of Agile and DevOps to become a high performing product team

30. April 2021 Industrie

  • High performing product teams : Agile + DevOps + Lean product management = Excellence in software development, deployment and operations. As organizations increasingly rely on software to deliver business services, they are realizing that they need to excel at developing, deploying and operating software based… Read more

    The post DASA competence & reference model : Using the best of Agile and DevOps to become a high performing product team appeared first on DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA).

    Schulungen und Weiterbildungen zu Themen wie Software Testing und Architektur-Qualität (ISTQB®, iSAQB®), Business Analyse und Requirements Engineering (BCSIREB®) und Agiles Vorgehen (ScrumSAFe), Werkzeugschulungen für Tools wie Atlassian (JiraConfluence), Tricentis (Tosca) und Micro Focus (ALMUFT) sowie weltweit passgenaue Schulungslösungen in öffentlichen Seminaren oder in kundeninternen Veranstaltungen bei dieser Trainings– und Schulungs Academy buchen.