
Frohes Fest und ein gutes neues Jahr!

14. Dezember 2023 Chemie, Industrie, Kunststoff

Sehr geehrte Geschäftspartnerinnen, sehr geehrte Geschäftspartner, für die kommenden Feiertage wünscht unser Team Ihnen, Ihren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern sowie Ihrer Familie eine frohe und friedliche Zeit. Zum Jahreswechsel wünschen wir Ihnen die Ruhe für den Blick nach innen und nach vorne, um im neuen Jahr mit neuen Kräften die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen zu können. Wir […] Der Beitrag Frohes Fest und ein gutes neues Jahr! erschien zuerst auf Buchem Chemie + Technik GmbH & Co. KG. Originalmeldung lesen unter

There are no rules for DevOps; it is iterative

6. Mai 2022 Industrie

From both sides of the world, we see many rules. Rules can provide demarcation, structure, and safety, but conversely, they can be limiting and restrictive. Rules can therefore be seen as positive as well as negative. We have heard first-hand and read in various places… Read more The Expleo Academy offers training courses  in Management Consultancy, Business Agility, Continuous Quality, Software Engineering or even Private Events with detailed Learning pathways in Business Analysis, Change Management, Project / Program Management, Software Qualityweiterlesen

Wiederverwendbare Chemieverpackungen

5. Mai 2022 Chemie, Industrie, Kunststoff

Buchems Aerosolprodukte sind künftig auch in einer druckgasfreien Variante verfügbar, die weitreichende Vorteile bietet – von höherer Reichweite über leichteren Transport bis hin zu mehr Umweltschutz. Der Beitrag Wiederverwendbare Chemieverpackungen erschien zuerst auf Buchem Chemie + Technik GmbH & Co. KG. Originalmeldung lesen unter

Cloud strategy’s cultural dimension: Why DevOps is essential for cloud success

5. April 2022 Industrie

Optimizing Your Cloud Strategy: The Cultural Dimension – Lessons From the Recent Past and Why DevOps Is Essential for Cloud Success. When we encounter a new and disruptive technology such as the cloud, it is natural to try and build a playbook from scratch on… Read more The post Cloud strategy’s cultural dimension: Why DevOps is essential for cloud success appeared first on DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA). The Expleo Academy offers training courses  in Management Consultancy, Business Agility, Continuousweiterlesen

Experiencing Digital Talent Squeeze? Strategies to help you Manage

10. März 2022 Industrie

We are continually seeing reports today about the ‘great resignation’ and the need for strategies to manage the onboarding, development, and retention of employees. The need for these strategies has been primarily driven by the rise in Covid cases. However, even before the pandemic, we… Read more The post Experiencing Digital Talent Squeeze? Strategies to help you Manage appeared first on DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA). The Expleo Academy offers training courses  in Management Consultancy, Business Agility, Continuous Quality, Softwareweiterlesen

ISTQB® is happy to welcome Deha Vietnam Joint Stock Company from Viet Nam to its Partner Program!

23. Februar 2022 Industrie

Deha Vietnam Joint Stock Company has joined the program at the Silver Partnership level. Visit to learn more about the partner and for more details about the Partner Program.   Alle ISTQB Kurse wie Certified Automotive Software Tester (CTFL-AuT), Agile Tester, Test Automation Engineer, Test Manager, Security Tester, Technical Test Analyst , Test Analyst sowie ISTQB® Certified Tester – Foundation Level, Model Based Tester und Usability-Testing. Schulungen und Weiterbildungen zu Themen wie Software Testing und Architektur-Qualität (ISTQB®, iSAQB®), Business Analyse und Requirements Engineering (BCS, IREB®) und Agiles Vorgehen (Scrum, SAFe), Werkzeugschulungen für Tools wie Atlassian (Jira, Confluence), Tricentis (Tosca) und Micro Focus (ALM, UFT) sowie weltweit passgenaue Schulungslösungen in öffentlichen Seminaren oder in kundeninternen Veranstaltungen bei dieser Trainings– undweiterlesen

ISTQB® is happy to welcome Pertec Global Services from Costa Rica to its Partner Program!

22. Februar 2022 Industrie

Pertec Global Services has joined the program at the Silver Partnership level. Visit to learn more about the partner and for more details about the Partner Program.   Alle ISTQB Kurse wie Certified Automotive Software Tester (CTFL-AuT), Agile Tester, Test Automation Engineer, Test Manager, Security Tester, Technical Test Analyst , Test Analyst sowie ISTQB® Certified Tester – Foundation Level, Model Based Tester und Usability-Testing. Schulungen und Weiterbildungen zu Themen wie Software Testing und Architektur-Qualität (ISTQB®, iSAQB®), Business Analyse und Requirements Engineering (BCS, IREB®) und Agiles Vorgehen (Scrum, SAFe), Werkzeugschulungen für Tools wie Atlassian (Jira, Confluence), Tricentis (Tosca) und Micro Focus (ALM, UFT) sowie weltweit passgenaue Schulungslösungen in öffentlichen Seminaren oder in kundeninternen Veranstaltungen bei dieser Trainings– und Schulungs Academyweiterlesen

Call for Papers! Digital Transformation.

17. Februar 2022 Industrie

  Digital Transformation is a fact and has impact on almost every aspect of our live. The software industry that is driving this transformation is not excluded from the impact. In the last 15 years, we have seen tremendous changes in the way people and organizations approach the digital transformation. The covid-19 pandemic has had and still has an additional impact on the way we work. We, the IREB and the ISTQB, therefore believe, it is time to document thisweiterlesen

ISTQB® is happy to welcome NovaLearning SpA from Chile to its Partner Program!

11. Februar 2022 Industrie

NovaLearning SpA has joined the program at the Silver Partnership level. Visit to learn more about the partner and for more details about the Partner Program. Alle ISTQB Kurse wie Certified Automotive Software Tester (CTFL-AuT), Agile Tester, Test Automation Engineer, Test Manager, Security Tester, Technical Test Analyst , Test Analyst sowie ISTQB® Certified Tester – Foundation Level, Model Based Tester und Usability-Testing. Schulungen und Weiterbildungen zu Themen wie Software Testing und Architektur-Qualität (ISTQB®, iSAQB®), Business Analyse und Requirements Engineering (BCS, IREB®) und Agiles Vorgehen (Scrum, SAFe), Werkzeugschulungen für Tools wie Atlassian (Jira, Confluence), Tricentis (Tosca) und Micro Focus (ALM, UFT) sowie weltweit passgenaue Schulungslösungen in öffentlichen Seminaren oder in kundeninternen Veranstaltungen bei dieser Trainings– und Schulungs Academy buchen.

5 Top Talent Management Trends 2022

10. Februar 2022 Industrie

The worldwide pandemic has caused huge workplace disruptions in the last couple of years. The changes will not stop in 2022, considering all the new Covid variants that are continuously emerging and shaping the way of working. This article explores the underlying talent management trends… Read more The post 5 Top Talent Management Trends 2022 appeared first on DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA). The Expleo Academy offers training courses  in Management Consultancy, Business Agility, Continuous Quality, Software Engineering or evenweiterlesen