
Container orchestration with Traefik 2.x and Docker Swarm with canary deployment

24. April 2020 Digitalisierung – In the last few months, there were some rumors in regards to Docker Swarm and the future of that technology. However, based on the news published recently we can assume that Docker Swarm will be stil… Tweeted by @traefik zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter

k3s with k3d and MetalLB (on Mac)

24. April 2020 Digitalisierung – In my previous post we could see how to get an external IP for load balancing on a k3s cluster running in multipass VMs and I promised to show you how MetalLB can work with k3d launched k3s clusters … Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter

Permission manager : RBAC management for Kubernetes

29. Januar 2020 Digitalisierung

Permission manager : RBAC management for Kubernetes Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash Came across a GitHub repository implemented by the awesome folks at Sighup.IO for managing user permissions for Kubernetes cluster easily via web UI. GitHub Repo : With Permission Manager, you can create users, assign namespaces/permissions, and distribute Kubeconfig YAML files via a nice&easy web UI.The project works on the concept of templates that you can create and then use that template for different users.Template is directly proportional to clusterrole. Inweiterlesen

Octant Simplified

26. Januar 2020 Digitalisierung

A Quick overview and install in less than 5 minutes Definition From the Docs : Octant is a tool for developers to understand how applications run on a Kubernetes cluster. It aims to be part of the developer’s toolkit for gaining insight and approaching complexity found in Kubernetes. Octant offers a combination of introspective tooling, cluster navigation, and object management along with a plugin system to further extend its capabilities. Octant is one of the recent projects by VMware that aims toweiterlesen

TK8 Cattle EKS Provisioner with Terraform Rancher Provider

31. Dezember 2019 Digitalisierung

In a previous post we introduced how to use a Rancher Server with Terraform Rancher Provider to deploy Rancher’s Kubernetes Engine (RKE) with the TK8 Cattle AWS provisioner on auto-provisioned EC2 machines. In this post I’ll introduce the TK8 Cattle EKS provisioner by the awesome Shantanu Deshpande to deploy an EKS Cluster with the tk8ctl tool talking to a Rancher Server using a valid SSL certificate running on our local machine. Rancher launched EKS vs. Rancher launched RKE Cluster With Rancher Serverweiterlesen

Deploy K8s using K8s with Cluster API and CAPA on AWS

26. Dezember 2019 Digitalisierung

This post provides some insights about Cluster API (CAPI), a Kubernetes Lifecycle SIG project and how to use it together with Cluster API Provider for AWS (CAPA) on any Kubernetes Cluster to create a single or a fleet of Vanilla Kubernetes cluster(s) on AWS or other supported providers. Cluster API is very new and was inspired by Kubicorn and Kops projects and I guess some concepts was looked up by Rancher’s way of bootstrapping clusters. At this time of writingweiterlesen

k3s with MetalLB on Multipass VMs

14. Dezember 2019 Digitalisierung

k3s from Rancher Labs reached recently 10k stars during KubeCon in San Diego and was GA’ed through the 1.0 release announcement and I’m… Continue reading on Kubernauts » Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter—-d831ce817894—4

Thanks God, it’s Rancher!

27. Oktober 2019 Digitalisierung

A small talk with the Kommander about Cattle AWS vs. Cattle EKS The Kommander I met this lovely captain recently on Kos Island and had a small talk with her/him regarding our Kubernetes projects. I spoke to her/him about a dilemma which we’re facing these days. This write up is a very short abstract of our conversation, which I’d like to share with you. In the meanwhile our lovely captain has joined us as “The Kommander” and has the code name TK8. We’reweiterlesen

Simplicity matters: Kubernetes 1.16

22. September 2019 Digitalisierung

Simplicity matters: Kubernetes 1.18.2 on your local machine with kubeadm and Multipass, Rancher k3s, RKE & more .. I was playing with Multipass VMs, Rancher k3s, RKE and Rancher Server on my laptop (MacOS) in the last 2 weeks and did some small implementations to fully automate the deployment of k3s, RKE and Rancher Server on my local machine, mainly for faster and cheeper testing of upgrades of RKE and Rancher and to provide a local real multi-node environment for trainings.weiterlesen

Kafka Topic backup to S3 and restore to another Kafka cluster using Strimzi and OpenEBS

19. August 2019 Digitalisierung

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash TL;DR Deploying Kafka via Strimzi operator (Helm chart), storage backed by OpenEBS. Taking backup of Kafka Topics to S3 with Kafka Connect Spredfast S3 Connector, restore Kafka Topics to a different Kafka cluster. Introduction While an introduction would usually begin talking about what is Apache Kafka, OpenEBS and other software components that we have here and “should you be running Kafka on Kubernetes or not?”, I’m going to skip that part as I believe if youweiterlesen