Mai 2024

EVA attends SWECCA general assembly

30. Mai 2024 Automaten

On 23 May, the EVA had the pleasure to attend the SWECCA (Swedish Coffee & Convenience Association) spring general assembly meeting in Stockholm The event was a great opportunity to catch up with Swedish colleagues and hear about and understand current issues impacting the industry there. The EVA, represented by Public Affairs Manager David Irvine, presented the latest news from the Association, including the recent legislative developments from Brussels that have an impact on the sector. The event had aweiterlesen

Hot issues for vending – May 2024

30. Mai 2024 Automaten

A brief look at some of the main legislative updates for the industry in May 2024. EVA Members can consult the latest EU Newsletter for all the detailed information on these and many other topics by logging in here. EUORPEAN PARLIAMENT VOTES ON KEY DOSSIERS IMPACTING THE INDUSTRY With the European elections taking place in June, the last plenary session of the current European Parliament saw votes taking place on many of the key files relevant for the vending industry.weiterlesen

Registrierung bei LUCID Verpackungsregister und bei DIVID Einwegkunststofffonds – zwei unterschiedliche Pflichten

29. Mai 2024 Allgemein

🔒 Abgaben und Registrierung nach Dualem System/LUCID und EWKFondsG/DIVID ist das eigentlich das Gleiche? Die kurze Antwort lautet … Der Beitrag Registrierung bei LUCID Verpackungsregister und bei DIVID Einwegkunststofffonds – zwei unterschiedliche Pflichten erschien zuerst auf BDV e. V.. Mehr Infos unter: Infos zu Kaffeeautomaten, Getränkeautomaten, Snackautomaten, Warenautomaten und Vendingautomaten unter – Automaten Köln

Ecosoft joins the EVA

28. Mai 2024 Automaten

Ecosoft is a leading manufacturer of the water filtration systems in Ukraine. A Member of the BWT Group of companies, the company provides a wide range of products from small domestic systems to industry-grade equipment. One of the its branches is a water purification machine produced under the brand-name Aquabox. Using 7-step filtration process, this vending solution turns municipal water into clean and fresh drinking water. According to the company, usage of the Ecosoft Aquabox refills gives a possibility toweiterlesen

The Greek Vending Association (HEVA) joins the EVA

28. Mai 2024 Automaten

The Greek Vending Association currently has 20 members who trade vending machines or distribute and supply various products through these machines; both cold drinks and snacks as well as coffee. The Greek government is currently attempting to impose strigent policies on the vending industry, including a severe form of fiscalistion. By joining the EVA, HEVA wishes to gain knowledge of the situation on the ground from other vending markets, and get advice and assistance to ensure the Greek industry remainsweiterlesen

Vendotek joins the EVA

28. Mai 2024 Automaten

Vendotek is a manufacturer of POS terminals for vending and retail. Vendotek products are used worldwide thanks to their functionality, modern design, and low price, and integrate seamlessly with vending machines via MOB Cashless. The latest Vendotek V is an automated POS terminal for vending, kiosks, self-service in retail. The company explained why they joined the Association, commenting, “We have joined EVA to share knowledge and develop vending in Europe. VENDOTEK produces high-quality POS terminals that will reduce the costs of contactlessweiterlesen

Neue Gewürzdosen und Mühlen für die perfekte Würze: Innovation trifft auf Funktionalität

27. Mai 2024 Presse

da Agency – Webdesign & SEO, Köln meldet: In der Welt der Küchenaccessoires gibt es aufregende Neuigkeiten: Unsere brandneuen Gewürzdosen und Mühlen sind ab sofort erhältlich und setzen neue Maßstäbe in Sachen Design und Funktionalität. Eine der aufregendsten Neuzugänge in unserem Sortiment sind die mini Streuer in den Varianten white und black. Diese kleinen Dosen kommen mit einem Kunststoffstreueinsatz, der verschiedene Streufunktionen ermöglicht. Damit können Sie Ihre Gewürze präzise und gleichmäßig dosieren, ganz nach Ihrem Geschmack. Die Dose hat auchweiterlesen

UNITI Expo zeigt Trends im Tankstellenmarkt – große Potenziale für Vending

22. Mai 2024 Allgemein

In der letzten Woche war der BDV gemeinsam mit Fachbesuchern der Erfa Food & Travel-Hospitality bei der UNITI Expo … Der Beitrag UNITI Expo zeigt Trends im Tankstellenmarkt – große Potenziale für Vending erschien zuerst auf BDV e. V.. Mehr Infos unter: Infos zu Kaffeeautomaten, Getränkeautomaten, Snackautomaten, Warenautomaten und Vendingautomaten unter – Automaten Köln

Over 22,000 visitors for Venditalia

22. Mai 2024 Automaten

Organised by Venditalia Servizi and promoted by CONFIDA, Venditalia closed with over 22,000 professional visitors, of which 40% were international The event took place for the first time in the pavilions of the Fieramilano district in Rho, a setting that organisers believed allowed companies to best express their potential, with well-kept stands and spaces suited to the sector’s business. “With a growth in visitors of more than 10% and a lively participation in every stand, Venditalia surpasses itself, definitively becomingweiterlesen

Sergio Barbarisi elected new EVA President

21. Mai 2024 Automaten

At the EVA Executive Committee (EC) meeting of 14 May, Sergio Barbarisi (BWT Water+More) was elected as the new EVA President. Sergio has been a member of the EC since 2021 and becomes the first EVA President who comes from the water filtration and dispensing segment of the industry. We very much look forward to working closely with Sergio as he provides new direction and leadership to European vending. The post Sergio Barbarisi elected new EVA President appeared first on Europeanweiterlesen