Januar 2023

#24 Romy Haag * Travestie*Erotik*Symbol

24. Januar 2023 Lifestyle

 Schwule Sau … … hätte damals 1971 in West-Berlin niemand sich getraut zu sagen … in der Stadt waren “alle” anders … Aber in West-Deutschland damals gab es regelrechte Jagdszenen auf Homosexuelle … tätliche Übergriffe … Gaskammer-Androhungen und Nachrede übelster Sorte … Homosexuelle wie Transvestiten waren lange noch Freiwild und Hassobjekte …   Mein Nachbar Michel … … in der Sorauer Str. 13 Kreuzberg West-Berlin hieß Michel (Mischél) … wir hatten vom ersten Tag einen guten Draht, vielleicht weil Michel auch andersweiterlesen

What Rust Brings to Frontend and Web Development

21. Januar 2023 Digitalisierung

thenewstack.io – Rust offers a safer, more secure language that’s robust enough for application development. Here’s what can it do for the frontend and web. Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter https://thenewstack.io/what-rust-brings-to-frontend-and-web-development/Ask the Kubernauts for Rancher Pricing, Rancher Support and Rancher Enterprise Level Packages.

5 Docker Desktop Alternatives

21. Januar 2023 Digitalisierung

hackernoon.com – For Windows and macOS users, Docker Desktop has been the main way to use Docker containers for many years. But how about now? Tweeted by @Vivek_H_Vadgama https://twitter.com/Vivek_H_Vadgama/status/1608163852138455042Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter https://hackernoon.com/5-docker-desktop-alternativesAsk the Kubernauts for Rancher Pricing, Rancher Support and Rancher Enterprise Level Packages.

Exposing Kubernetes applications on-premise vs. public cloud vs. bare-metal

21. Januar 2023 Digitalisierung

tom-sapak.medium.com – Compared to the Docker compose deployments, exposing the Kubernetes application might be overwhelming at first. You have multiple seemingly similar options, what Kubernetes resources to use, and not… Tweeted by @NaveenS16 https://twitter.com/NaveenS16/status/1609582518587789313Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter https://tom-sapak.medium.com/exposing-kubernetes-applications-on-premise-vs-public-cloud-vs-bare-metal-e4893ad8cba0Ask the Kubernauts for Rancher Pricing, Rancher Support and Rancher Enterprise Level Packages.

Create temporary environment from Pull Request with ArgoCD ApplicationSet

21. Januar 2023 Digitalisierung

medium.com – A trick is to create a job that runs continuously and duplicates the referral secret every x seconds in the other namespaces : When you push a commit to the vote repository, the cd.yml github… Tweeted by @osodevops https://twitter.com/osodevops/status/1608255479553183746Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter https://medium.com/@jerome.decoster/create-temporary-environment-from-pull-request-with-argocd-applicationset-1cef9803223aAsk the Kubernauts for Rancher Pricing, Rancher Support and Rancher Enterprise Level Packages.

Top 10 Free Online Courses to learn DevOps for Beginners and Experienced Developers in 2022

21. Januar 2023 Digitalisierung

medium.com – Hello guys, If you want to become a DevOps Engineer in 2022 or just want to learn the DevOps process and tools to improve your development and delivery process and looking for free Devops online… Tweeted by @javinpaul https://twitter.com/javinpaul/status/1609419942193147905Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter https://medium.com/javarevisited/10-free-online-courses-to-learn-devops-for-beginners-9feadb644f50Ask the Kubernauts for Rancher Pricing, Rancher Support and Rancher Enterprise Level Packages.

Practical Kubernetes Stories for Developers

21. Januar 2023 Digitalisierung

abd0hrz.medium.com – In Kubernetes, there is a master node and multiple worker nodes, each worker node can handle multiple pods. Pods are just a bunch of containers clustered together as a working unit. You can start… Tweeted by @osodevops https://twitter.com/osodevops/status/1609561582475907073Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter https://abd0hrz.medium.com/practical-kubernetes-stories-for-developers-d79178d6745dAsk the Kubernauts for Rancher Pricing, Rancher Support and Rancher Enterprise Level Packages.

Scaling your Go Application with Kubernetes

21. Januar 2023 Digitalisierung

medium.com – In this tutorial we’ll walk through scaling your Go application with Kubernetes. We will do this by building an application in Go. We will then get it up and running locally on your development… Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter https://medium.com/@gpj/scaling-your-go-application-with-kubernetes-500e71ada2fbAsk the Kubernauts for Rancher Pricing, Rancher Support and Rancher Enterprise Level Packages.

Install Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

21. Januar 2023 Digitalisierung

medium.com – Hi Everyone. This is my very first time writing on Medium :D. now I will explain about installing and configuring the Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS The step-by-step guide on this page will… Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter https://medium.com/@owibdw/install-kubernetes-cluster-on-ubuntu-22-04-lts-83cef904e848Ask the Kubernauts for Rancher Pricing, Rancher Support and Rancher Enterprise Level Packages.

Building a Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu 20.04 using kubeadm and Containerd as the runtime.

21. Januar 2023 Digitalisierung

pixelrobots.co.uk – Reading Time: 7 minutes Share:I am currently studying for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam (CKA) and as a hands on learning I wanted to get down and dirty with Kubernetes. In my day job I … Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter https://pixelrobots.co.uk/2021/03/building-a-raspberry-pi-kubernetes-cluster-on-ubuntu-20-04-using-kubeadm-and-containerd-as-the-runtime/Ask the Kubernauts for Rancher Pricing, Rancher Support and Rancher Enterprise Level Packages.